Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Yuma, Arizona. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Climate Model Malady: Inability to Recreate Cretaceous Warmth: There's still a whole lot of things that climate models fail to do well ... or even remotely adequately.
Subject Index Summaries
Hurricanes (Global): What is the relationship between hurricanes and global warming on a planet-wide scale?
Air Pollution (Non-Ozone - Effects on Plants): Air pollution takes a great toll on both natural and managed ecosystems each year; but rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations help to hold the destroyer at bay by fortifying earth's terrestrial vegetation against its ubiquitous onslaughts. Yet climate alarmists call CO2 a pollutant!
Journal Reviews
Western North Pacific Typhoon Activity: Model Predictions vs. Real-World Observations: How has tropical cyclone activity in the western North Pacific responded to what climate alarmists call the unprecedented warming of the last decades of the 20th century?
Floods of the Namib Desert of Africa: Have they increased in frequency and intensity in response to 20th-century warming, consistent with the claims of climate alarmists who predict increasing floods in response to rising temperatures?
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age off North Iceland: Both are clearly evident in a wealth of palaeoclimate data, but the Modern Warm Period is nowhere to be seen, even in instrumental records.
Leaf Fluctuating Asymmetry of Two Species of Oak Tree and Its Relationship to Herbivory: What is leaf fluctuating asymmetry? What are its consequences? What causes it? And how is it related to the air's CO2 content?
The Significance of Size and Age in the Bleaching of Coral Colonies: Does the physical size of a coral colony have anything to do with the frequency and severity of bleaching it experiences? Or is there something about the chemical makeup of different size or age corals that helps or hinders them in some way? Most important of all, what do the answers to these questions suggest about the future?