Material in this section originates from the following categories in our Subject Index:
Air Pollution (Non-Ozone) -- Effects on Climate
Climate Change -- Forcing Factors -- Air Pollution (Non-Ozone) -- Effects on Climate
Pollution -- Air Pollution (Non-Ozone) -- Effects on Climate
Forcing Factors (Air Pollution: Effects on Climate)
Material preceded by an asterisk (*) was posted after this subject summary was written and therefore is not included in the summary. This material will be integrated into the summary at a later date.
* -- Cleansing the Atmosphere Spurs Global Warming
* -- Jet Contrails: Air Traffic Climate Controllers
* -- Aerosol Effects on Clouds
* -- In Defense of James Hansen's "Alternative Scenario" for Fighting Global Warming
* -- SeaWiFS: Assessing the Climatic Significance of Aerosols
Humanity’s Impacts on Clouds: Could They Lead to Global Cooling?
How Do Human Activities Affect Earth's Climate?
Signs of One of the "Living Thermostats" that Moderate Climate Change
Ship Emissions Perturb Radiation Balance Over the Sea
Jet Aircraft Contrails Reduce the Diurnal Amplitude of Earth's Surface Air Temperature
Making More and Brighter Clouds