Material in this section originates from the following categories in our Subject Index:
Antarctica (Sea Level)
Material preceded by an asterisk (*) was posted after this subject summary was written and therefore is not included in the summary. This material will be integrated into the summary at a later date.
* -- The Mass Balance of Antarctica's Dronning Maud Land Ice Sheet
* -- Estimating 21st-Century Sea Level Rise
* -- Antarctic Temperature and Snowfall in a Warming World
* -- Global Warming and Antarctic Ice
* -- Mass Balance of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
* -- Effect of CO2-Induced Global Warming on Antarctic Surface Mass Balance a Hundred Years Hence
* -- Surface Mass Balance of Antarctica
* -- Assessing Antarctica's Mass Balance Via Measurements of Time-Variable Gravity from Satellites
* -- Ice Stream Catchments Feeding the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica
* -- The East Antarctic Ice Sheet Has Accumulated Mass Over the Past Decade
Fluxes of Water to and from the Sea
Polar Ice Sheets and Global Sea Level: How Well Can We Predict the Future?
Dramatic Changes in Climate Model Predictions of Sea Level Rise Due to CO2-Induced Global Warming
Will Global Warming Raise or Lower Global Sea Level?
Mass Balance of the Antarctic Ice Sheet: An Assessment of Yearly Ice Accumulation