Material in this section originates from the following category in our Subject Index:
Biodiversity (General)
Material preceded by an asterisk (*) was posted after this subject summary was written and therefore is not included in the summary. This material will be integrated into the summary at a later date.
* -- Severe Cyclones Carving Swaths of Destruction in Tropical Forests
* -- How Rising Temperatures Impact the Biodiversity of Small Rodent
* -- Neotropical Wet Forest Diversity: More Responsive to Temperature or CO2?
* -- Lake Restoration in a Warming World
* -- Plant Diversities on Sixty-Six Warming European Mountaintops
* -- Plant Responses to Significant and Rapid Global Warming
* -- The Plant Community Composition of Canada's Southwest Yukon
* -- Biodiversity and the Multi-Functionality of Ecosystems
* -- Effects of Warming on the Terrestrial Vegetation of Antarctica
* -- Future Forecasts of Food, Feed and Fuel Needs
* -- Alpine Flora Dynamics in a Warming World
* -- Warming-Induced Vegetative Change in the Swedish Scandes
* -- Surviving the Unprecedented Climate Change of the IPCC
* -- Vascular Plant Richness on Mountain Summits of Southern Norway
* -- Not All Ecosystems Respond Dramatically to Rising Temperatures
* -- Global Warming and the Biodiversity of Small Temperate Ponds
* -- Purple Phototrophic Bacteria in Flooded Paddy Soil
* -- Bird Biodiversity in China
* -- Neotropical Tree, Shrub and Liana Species Richness
* -- Global Warming and Ecosystem Species Richness
* -- Increasing Climatic Variability
* -- Changes in the Ranges of European Wading Birds
* -- Species Richness in a Central European Bird Community
* -- Regional Biodiversity in a Warmer World
* -- British Lepidoptera Responses to Global Warming
* -- Global Warming and the Vascular Plant Species Richness of Individual Countries
* -- Predicting Species Extinctions in Response to Global Warming
* -- Regional Warming and Mountaintop Biodiversity
* -- Global Warming: Will It Cause Multiple Species Extinctions?
* -- Butterfly Biodiversity in Britain
* -- Tundra Responses to Experimental Warming
* -- Anthropogenic Nitrogen Deposition: Too Much or Too Little?
* -- Endangered Plants on the Road to Extinction?
* -- Species Range Responses to CO2-Induced Global Warming
* -- CO2, Temperature and Biodiversity
* -- CO2 and Biodiversity: Does the Former Affect the Latter?
* -- A Bright Future for the Biosphere
* -- Two Crises of Unbelievable Magnitude: Can We Prevent One Without Exacerbating the Other?
* -- Global Warming Non-Effects on a Subalpine Ecosystem
* -- Biodiversity, Productivity and CO2
* -- Productivity and Species Richness
* -- Ecosystem Biodiversity and CO2
* -- A Quarter-Century of Mollusc History in French Polynesia
* -- Effects of Elevated CO2 and Soil Nitrogen on Soil Microbial Communities
* -- The Invasion of Honey Mesquite in the Southwestern U.S.
* -- Competition and Chaos: Sources of Enhanced Ecosystem Species Richness
* -- Bird and Mammal Range Expansions Courtesy of Increasing Temperatures
Responses of Two Birch Species to Elevated CO2 and Soil Moisture
Coral Reef Diversity and Global Change