Material in this section originates from the following categories in our Subject Index:
Climate Oscillations (Centennial Variability)
Natural Variability of Climate (Centennial Variability)
Oscillations of Climate (Centennial Variability)
Variability of Climate (Centennial Oscillations)
* -- Natural Variability Dominates Recent Climate Change
* -- Fifteen Millennia of Climate Change in the Middle Reaches of China's Yangtze Rive
* -- Further Analyses of Hot and Cold Times on the Tibetan Plateau
* -- Solar-Precipitation Connections on the Tibetan Plateau
* -- An Eighteen-Hundred-Year Climate Record from China
* -- Five Hundred Years of Baltic-Sea Water and Air Temperatures
* -- 9000 Years of Central European Winter Temperatures
* -- Six Thousand Years of Climate Change in China
* -- A Multi-Proxy Holocene Climate Study of Temperate Eastern Australia
East Asia and North Atlantic Climates of the Past Two Millennia: What Links Them?
Holocene Climate in the Indian Ocean
Holocene Climate in the Gulf of Mexico
Earth's Temperature History: Putting the 20th Century in Proper Perspective
Cyclical Flooding in California, USA
20th Century Warmth in Northern Swedish Lapland
Moisture Regimes of the Northern Prairies of North America
A 2300-Year History of Climate and Water Quality Changes in Chesapeake Bay
A 4000-Year Record of Climate Change in Southern Alberta, Canada
Secrets of the Mediterranean Sea ... Revealed!
Solar Forcing of Drought in Mexico
More Evidence for the Global Extent of the Little Ice Age
Drought in African Sahel Not of Anthropogenic Origin