Material in this section originates from the following category in our Subject Index:
Growth Response to CO2 with Other Variables (Multiple Variables)
* -- The Response of Sorghum to Elevated CO2, Water Stress and Nitrogen Availability
* -- The Interactive Effects of Temperature, CO2 and Water Availability on Thale Cress
* -- The Mitigating Influence of CO2 on Drought and Heat Stress in Wheat
* -- The Interactive Effects of CO2, Phosphorus Supply and Cyanobacterial Inoculation on Cowpea
* -- The Competitiveness of Oilseed Rape vs Wild Mustard in a Future Climate
* -- Interactive Effects of CO2, Salinity and Water Level on the Growth of a Coastal Halophyte
* -- Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Interactions with Abiotic Plant Stresses
* -- The Combined Effects of CO2, Temperature and Drought on Wheat
* -- CO2-Enriched Air Reduces Effects of Heat Waves During Droughts
Newly-Discovered Wheat Genes Up-Regulated by Heat and Drought
U.S. Mid-Atlantic Temperate Forest Growth Over the 20th Century
Forest Response to Predicted CO2-Induced Climate Change in the Tianshan Mountains of China