Material in this section originates from the following categories in our Subject Index:
Greenland (Temperature History)
Material preceded by an asterisk (*) was posted after this subject summary was written and therefore is not included in the summary. This material will be integrated into the summary at a later date.
* -- A 1500-Year Temperature Proxy from Southwestern Greenland
* -- Holocene Temperatures at the Western Greenland Ice Sheet Margin
* -- Holocene Histories of Atmospheric CO2 Concentration and West Greenland Air Temperature
* -- The Importance of Long-Term Temperature and CO2 Data
* -- Summit Surface Snow Temperatures of Greenland
* -- Near-Surface Greenland Air Temperatures: 1840-2007
* -- A 221-Year Temperature History of the Southwest Coast of Greenland
* -- Is the Recent Greenland Temperature Increase Evidence of Man-Induced Global Warming?
The Medieval Warm Period in Fennoscandia
Coal-Mine Canaries Keeping Cool on Greenland
The Canary in the Coal Mine: Singing a Song of Something … But Certainly Not CO2
Coastal Southern Greenland Temperature History: 1958-2001
The "Good Old Days" of Little Ice Age Climate Instability
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in Ireland
The Medieval Warm Period in Greenland
The Odden Ice Tongue of the Greenland Sea
Unprecedented Present Warmth: The Lie Takes a Licking … Again!
Our Oscillating Climate: A Natural Phenomenon