Material in this section originates from the following categories in our Subject Index:
Long-Term Studies (Woody Plants: General)
Trees (Long-Term Studies: Woody Plants -- General)
Material preceded by an asterisk (*) was posted after this subject summary was written and therefore is not included in the summary. This material will be integrated into the summary at a later date.
* -- The Growth Response of Aspen Trees to Soil CO2 Enrichment
* -- 165 Years of Mangrove Tree Responses to Rising Atmospheric CO2
* -- Long-Term CO2-Enrichment of Mature Deciduous Forest Trees
* -- Spring Leaf Flush in Aspen Trees
* -- Within-Species Genetic Differences in Quaking Aspen and Their Responses to Elevated CO2
* -- Reproductive Responses of Paper Birch Trees to Elevated CO2 and O3 Concentrations
* -- Carbon Dioxide vs. Ozone Effects in Birch and Aspen Trees
* -- Acquisition of Soil Nitrogen by Different Tree Genotypes and Species Growing in Mixed Stands
* -- Aggrading Ecosystems Require More Nitrogen ... and Find It
* -- Another Strike Against the Progressive Nitrogen Limitation Hypothesis
* -- Has the Historical Rise in the Air's CO2 Content Stimulated Tree Growth Over the Past Century?
* -- Long-Term Leaf Responses of Populus Species to Elevated CO2
* -- Old-Growth Forests: Can They Still Sequester Significant Amounts of Carbon?
Updating the World’s Longest Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment Experiment