Material in this section originates from the following categories in our Subject Index:
Fish (Response of Fish to Changes in Temperature)
Marine Biota (Response to Temperature: Fish)
Material preceded by an asterisk (*) was posted after this subject summary was written and therefore is not included in the summary. This material will be integrated into the summary at a later date.
* -- Transgenerational Acclimation to Warming of a Reef Fish
* -- The Declining Gulf of Maine Cod Stock is Not Driven by Global Warming
* -- The Physiological Acclimation of the Common Clownfish to Global Warming
* -- How a Coral Reef Fish Might Adapt to Future Global Warming
* -- Acclimation of a Tropical Clownfish Species to Global Warming
* -- Impact of Heat on the Swimming Speed of a Common Damselfish
* -- The Ability of Tropical Reef Fish to Acclimate to Global Warming
* -- Warming-Assisted Rapid Evolution of a Parasitic Host
* -- Warming Prompts Range Expansion of West Australian Reef Fish
* -- Redband Trout Feeling the Heat of a Desert ... But Adapting to It!
* -- Both Genetic and Non-Genetic Factors Shape Responses of Marine Life to Ocean Warming
* -- Brook Trout's Thermal Tolerance in a Potentially Warming World
* -- Atlantic Salmon Unthreatened by Future Global Warming
Gene Expression Plasticity Evolution in Threespine Stickleback Fish
Effects of Minor Coral Bleaching Events on Juvenile Butterflyfishes
Rapid Evolution of Reproductive Traits in Response to Warming
* -- The Values and Virtues of Protected Reef Fish Communities
The Delayed Benefits of Larval-Stage Stresses in a Marine Fish
Seahorses in a Future Warmer World
Developmental Thermal Acclimation in a Species of Damselfish
How Warming Impacts Male Capelin Choice of Spawning Habitat
Microevolution in Alaskan Pink Salmon in Response to Warming
Tropical Fish May be Well Prepared to Cope with Global Warming
Sub-Tropical Reef-Fish in a Warming World
Responses of Northeast Atlantic Fish to Rapid Regional Warming
Parasite Infestation of Young Sockeye Salmon in a Warming World
Global Warming and the Survival Rate of Juvenile Hokkaido Chum Salmon
Juvenile Marine Fish Learning to Take the Heat
Heat Tolerance in Antarctic Fish
Effects of Predicted Climate Change on Australian Fisheries ... and More!