Material in this section originates from the following category in our Subject Index:
Climate Models (Inadequacies: General)
Material preceded by an asterisk (*) was posted after this subject summary was written and therefore is not included in the summary. This material will be integrated into the summary at a later date.
Analyzing Observed vs CMIP5 Model Simulations of Global Temperature
Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity is Over-estimated in a Key CMIP6 Model
Observed Rates of Arctic Warming Fail to Validate Model-based Projections
Struggling to Model Antarctic Surface Air Temperature Trends
Is Natural Variability or Anthropogenic Activity Driving Antarctic Climate?
Modelling Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Blocking Systems
Some Significant Shortcomings of Current CMIP5 Climate Models
CMIP5 Modeling of Arctic and Eurasia Mid-Latitude Warming
Continental Energy Storage in CMIP5 Climate Change Simulations
Errors in Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor in CMIP5 Models
Modeling North American Extreme Temperature Events and Patterns
The Validity of 3rd - 5th IPCC Climate Model Projections for China
Some Unresolved Difficulties of Modeling Meteorological Droughts
CMIP3 and 5 Model Predictions of Precipitation and Temperature
Upper Atmosphere Temperature Trends Models vs Measurements
Never-Ending Biases of Models Projecting Tropical Climate Change
Evaluating Community Earth System Model (CESM) Performance
Climate Change in Northern Europe as per CMIP2, 3 and 5 Models
The Ability of CMIP5 Models to Hindcast Basic Climate Features
Another 100 Year CMIP5 Hindcast of Temperature and Precipitation
Modeling the Southern Annular Mode Antarctic SAT Connection
Near-Surface Atmospheric Variables in CMIP5 Models
The Equatorially-Asymmetric Mode of the Hadley Circulation
The State of Our Skill in Predicting Decadal-Scale Climate Change
Model Biases Leading to a Double Intertropical Convergence Zone
CMIP5 Models Struggle to Replicate 200 hPa Geopotential Height
The Current Status of Modelling Arctic Summer Storm Tracks
Lamenting the Double ITCZ Bias in CMIP5 Climate Models
Tropical Cyclones in High-Resolution Global Climate Models
Climate Model Biases in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Assessments of CMIP5-Derived Aerosol Distributions over India
Modelling the Recent History of Changes in the Walker Circulation
Ozone-Circulation Feedback: It's Effects on Climate Model Output
Biases in Climate Model-Derived Surface Air Temperature Trends
The Beijing Normal University Earth System Model (BNU-ESM)
Warm Biases and Climate Change Amplification in CMIP5 Models
Modeling the Mid-Holocene Atmospheric Circulation of Europe
Simulating Equatorial Pacific SST, Wind Stress and Surface Fluxes
CMIP5 Modeling of the Western Tropical Pacific Climate System
Representations of Aeolian Dust in CMIP5 Climate Models
CMIP5 Models Misinterpreting the North Atlantic Oscillation
How Well Do Current Models Simulate Holocene Climate Change?
Testing PMIP2 and CMIP5 Models Against Climates of the Past
Cool Season Anomalous Temperature Regimes in CMIP5 Models
Historical Diurnal Temperature Range Trends in CMIP5 Models
Some Incompatibilities of Global and Regional Climate Models
Recent Rapid Warming of Northeastern Canada and Greenland
Antarctic Sea Ice Trends of the Southern Ocean
Can Earth's Two Hemispheres Get Their Climatic Act Together?
Twenty-five Climate Models Can't All Be Wrong ... Or Can They?
A Multi-Regional Climate Model Hindcast for Africa
Twenty-three Climate Models Can't Be Wrong ... Or Can They?
Evaluating CFSv2 Seasonal Hindcasts for the Period 1983-2010
Tropical Cyclone Activity as Expressed in CMIP5 Models
Assessing the Performance of CMIP3 GCMs in Southeast Australia
Modeling European Temperatures: CMIP5 Biases and Uncertainty
CMIP5 Models of North American Climate
The Four AR5 Climate Models Attempting to Replicate the AMO
Including the Stratosphere in Models of Global Climate Change
Modeling Volcanic Aeorsol Impacts on Atmospheric Water Vapor
Two Decades of Overestimated Global Warming
Modelling Thermal Characteristics of the Cold Point-Tropopause
The Top Ten Problems of the New-and-Improved ECHAM6 Model
Simulating California (USA) Extreme Heat Conditions
Atmospheric Blocking in the Northern Hemisphere
Solar and Planetary Influences on Global Climate Change
Simulating the MJO and Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves
The Amundsen-Bellingshausen Seas Low in CMIP5 Climate Models
The North American Regional Climate-Change Assessment Program
Simulating North Atlantic Extratropical Cyclones
CMIP3 and CMIP5 Wind Stress Climatology
The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP): Phase 3 vs. Phase 5
CMIP5 Backward Projections of Temperature and Precipitation
Modeling Temperature, Sea Level Pressure and Precipitation: CMIP5 vs. CMIP3
24 CMIP5 Global Climate Models Applied to the Tibetan Plateau
CMIP5 Earth System Models: Trying to Model Soil Carbon Stocks
Deficiencies of Modeled Temperature Extremes
Global Climate Model Simulations of Southern South America
Last Millennium Climate Simulations Still Falling Short of Reality
Meet the New Models: Are They Any Better Than the Old Models?
Climate Models: Still Struggling to "Get It Right"
Another Test of CMIP5 Models: What Problems Were Detected?
Storm-Track Activity: Modeled vs. Measured
Wind Speeds over China: AR5 Climate Models vs. Real-World Data
Tropical Upper Tropospheric Warming: Models vs. Measurements
How Well Do Climate Models Mimic Atmospheric Teleconnections?
Modeling Northern Hemispheric Winters
Biases in the Output of Global and Regional Circulation Models
CMIP3 Models Simulating Temperature and Precipitation in China
Model Simulations of Climatic Effects of Volcanic Eruptions
Climate Change in China Over the Past Century
Drifting Along with the CMIP3 Models
Testing Version 4 of the Community Climate System Model
Simulating the Present-Day Arctic Atmosphere
Tropical Influences on North Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures
Global Warming Fosters High-Latitude Cooling???
The Siberian High in a Supposedly Warming World
The Current Warm Period: Anthropogenic-Induced or Natural?
The Next Forty Years of Hypothetical Global Warming
The Case for a Quasi Sixty-Year North Atlantic Temperature Oscillation
Predicting Future Climate: How Good Are Today's Models?
Upper Tropical Tropospheric Temperature: Simulations vs. Reality
Predicting the Course of Climate Change Over the Next Decade
Abrupt Climate Change Simulations
Warming of the Tropical Upper Troposphere
Interannual Variability of 20th-Century Climate in CMIP3 Models
Model Assessments of Warming-Induced Changes in the Frequency of Northern Hemisphere Summer Cyclones
The Late-1980 Extratropical Warming of the Northern Hemisphere
Problems with Climate Models ... and Bill Gates' Confidence in Them
Assessing the Skill of Coupled Atmosphere-Land-Ocean Climate Models
Earth's Thermal Sensitivity to a Doubling of Atmospheric CO2
Arctic vs. Global Air Temperature Change
Tropospheric Humidity and CO2-Induced Global Warming
The Relative Merit of Multiple Climate Models
Irreversible CO2-Induced Global Warming?
Natural and Anthropogenic Influences on Earth's Climate
Temperature and Precipitation Extremes: Models vs. Reality
Three Decades of Modeling Climate Sensitivity to CO2
Climate Model Problems: VI. The Double-ITCZ Problem
Climate Model Problems: I. Temperature and Humidity
Concerning the Current Consensus on Climate Change
Simulating Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitude Winter Atmospheric Variability
Global Warming and Climate Variability
A Significant "Hole" in "Unprecedented" 20th-Century Global Warming
How Sound Are Climate Model Simulations?
A UK Modeler's Personal Perspective on the Status of Climate Modeling
The Origin of Past (and Future?) Abrupt Climate Changes
Climate Models and the Sun-Climate Connection: Why the Two are Currently Incompatible
Assessing the Sensitivity and Accuracy of State-of-the Art Climate Models
The Climatic History of the Phanerozoic
Climate Model Malady: Inability to Recreate Cretaceous Warmth
The Fuzzy Predictions of State-of-the-Art Climate Models
Climate Models: Are They Improving?
A Fundamental Failure of Current Climate Models
The Role of Models in the CO2 Emissions Reduction Debate
Does Global Warming Enhance the Planet's Monsoon Circulations?
Indian Monsoon Rainfall: Effects of Global Warming
Convective Available Potential Energy: Mistreated by Models
TAR vs SAR: The Triumph of Storyline over Science
Polar Amplification of Global Warming
Fifty Years of Pan Evaporation and Solar Radiation Data: What Do They Tell Us About Climate Change?
Debunking Modern Climate Myths
More Reasons to Question the Veracity of the Global Surface Air Temperature Record
Uncertainty About CO2 as a Climate Driver: Is It Increasing or Decreasing?
Testing The Current Generation of Climate Models
Biology Rules: On Land and at Sea
Cautions About Putting Too Much Faith in Climate Models
New Studies Erode Confidence in Climate Model Predictions
What We Don't Know About CO2 and Climate
Are Climate Models Up to the Challenge Required of Them?
The Art of Swallowing Camels Just Got a Whole Lot Harder
Two Crises of Unbelievable Magnitude: Can We Prevent One Without
Exacerbating the Other?
The Unstable Sands of Climatic Uncertainty
The Greenhouse Effect is Real. So What's New?
Rainfall Variability in West Africa: The Models Fail Again
Predicting the Past: It's Really Not That Difficult
Elevated CO2 Reverses Negative Impact of Global Warming in Model Simulations
Rising Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations Reduce Soil Erosion: Lessons for the New Millennium
Real-World Data Show No Arctic Warming Over Last 70 Years
Predictive Skill: Guess How Many Climate Models Passed the El Niņo Test?
More Vegetation Cools the Planet
Lunar Tides and Climate Change
Yet Another Climate Model Flip-Flop
Global Warming and Soil Moisture Trends
Climate Change of the Twentieth Century: Natural or Anthropogenic?
Once Again, It's Measurements Versus Models
Future Climate: Difficulties in Modeling Complexity
Climate Forcing vs. Climate Sensitivity: Is it a Valid Issue?
Climate Models Get Better, But Still Have Long Way to Go
Effects of Hurricanes on Atmospheric CO2