Material in this section originates from the following categories in our Subject Index:
Material preceded by an asterisk (*) was posted after this subject summary was written and therefore is not included in the summary. This material will be integrated into the summary at a later date.
* -- Greening of the Arctic Tundra
* -- B. nana Plants Are Expanding Their Presence in the Arctic Tundra!
* -- The Response of Tundra Vegetation to High Arctic Warming
* -- Warming of Antarctic Tundra
* -- Tundra Responses to Experimental Warming
* -- North American Boreal Productivity Trends: 1982-2003
Experimental Warming of Icelandic Plant Communities
The Effect of Long-Term Warming on Three Types of High-Arctic Tundra
The Effect of Warming on the Carbon Balance of High-Arctic Tundra
* -- Effects of Warming on the Carbon Balance of Arctic Tundra