How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 8 Number 19:  11 May 2005

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Brunswick, MO. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

Plant Responses to Free-Air CO2 Enrichment: What does the most recent meta-analysis of the results of all FACE experiments conducted over the first fifteen years of the technique's application reveal about the responses of earth's plants to rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations?

Subject Index Summaries
Dark Ages Cold Period (Asia): Yes, there really was a Dark Ages Cold Period, sandwiched between the Roman and Medieval Warm Periods; and it was not restricted to lands bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, as this review of studies conducted in Asia clearly demonstrates.

Forests (Old): Are forests merely a temporary carbon sink that by 2050 will have returned to the atmosphere a large fraction of the CO2 they had removed from it to that point in time?

Journal Reviews
Update on Antarctic Sea Ice Extent: How has it varied over the period of accurate comprehensive satellite measurements?  And what do the results imply about global warming at the bottom of the earth?

Droughts of the Canadian Prairies: Have they gotten any worse with the supposedly unprecedented warming of the 20th century, which climate alarmists claim should increase their frequency and severity?

The Roman and Medieval Warm Periods in Georgia: There is no question about their existence and significance.

The Effect of Warming on the Carbon Balance of High-Arctic Tundra: Will it cause carbon to be released from the soil and returned to the atmosphere, thereby exacerbating the warming that caused it?

Woody Plants Take Possession of Rangelands in Southern New Mexico, USA: As the air's CO2 concentration continues to rise, boosting the competitiveness of woody plants relative to that of herbaceous species, shrubs have largely replaced grasses on many southwestern U.S. rangelands.